Spring Break Registration
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Private Music Lessons

Personalized classes
Multiple instruments
​pick a teacher and get started today!

(All ages??)


  • Students returning for lessons with the SAME TEACHER as last year can register July 24th.
  • New students or students returning for lessons with a DIFFERENT TEACHER as last year can register August 12th, based on availability of teachers.


Registration Guidelines:

STEP 1. Find your preferred music teacher below.
STEP 2. Click the red button below to register.
STEP 3. Register for lessons by selecting any of the "PML" options (if you would like to register for a 4-lesson trial before committing for the school year, select the "Private Music Lessons Trial" option and send us an email with information on which instrument/teacher you would prefer.​
STEP 4. Send an email to music.department@theheartofriverdale.com with any additional details:
1 -> Name and age of the student
2 -> Name, email, and phone number of the parent
3 -> The preferred teacher and instrument
4 -> Any previous musical experience
STEP 5. Wait to hear from us to confirm your lessons schedule (day/time) and finalize your registration request.
IMPORTANT! Your spot will only be confirmed when we have received the first instalment or the full payment for all lessons.

Performance Opportunities: Private lesson students interested in performing can speak with their teachers to plan what they will play and discuss collaborating with others in small groups.

Term Dates: Private music lessons will follow the Heart's calendar as of August 27h.
You can find all our holidays, closures, and other important dates here. 

Style: Music

Private Music Lesson (PML) Policies

  1. Students are encouraged to register for the full school year. Check The Heart website and select “Important Dates” for more information on start/end dates and holiday closures. Summer lessons may be available with some teachers.
  2. There is also a trial package available. This includes four 30 minute lessons with the teacher of choice. The cost for these is at our regular rate ($35/$40 per 30 min, the price depends on teacher you choose) for a total of $140/$160. Students are only allowed one trial package after which they will be required to commit to the remainder of the year (at a prorated price).
  3. Private music lessons are available to After School Care students. We will do our best to find a time that works within your child’s schedule. Our staff will ensure that they are taken to and from their lesson at the correct time each week.
  4. *The monthly instalment plan is only available to students registering for the full term. For students on the trial package or taking summer lessons, full payment is required.

Cancellation Policies:

  1. We ask that you inform the teacher of any cancellations or planned absences at least 48 hours in advance.  A maximum of four makeup lessons can be provided, after which teachers will not be required to provide further makeups. In the case of last-minute unforeseeable events (ex.weather-related, accidents, building closure, etc) that prevent the lesson from taking place, make-up lessons are at the discretion of the teacher, and not required.
  2. Refunds will not be provided except with the permission of the teacher and/or proof of special circumstances (family emergency, serious health concerns, other unforeseeable events, etc).

Drop-off Policy:

  1. Students must use only the Music Note Door or the Shoe Door for entrance, depending on the location of their scheduled music class. (music rooms next to the black box
  2. Parents should bring their child into the building and wait with them until the teacher comes to take them to their lesson. There are signs for the designated waiting area.

Important Dates

THOR Calendar